S.O.S. Revelations of the End Times
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Humans Are Free, The Fall of the Cabal
Approaching a New Earth — The Fall of the Cabal
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by Wes Annac
I’ve followed David’s work for years, and he’s been a major force in my awakening and my interest in spirituality, extraterrestrials and the fall of the Luciferian cabal.
In his latest article, he continued to offer tons of information from various news sources to make the point that the cabal is falling and trying to take the world down with them.
An assortment of unsettling things are happening that ultimately point to the cabal’s defeat and the establishment of a new way of life that takes every person’s needs into account, and we’ll want to prepare for the amazing things we’ll learn and the revolutionary things we’ll have to do to change the world.
Signs of the Cabal’s Defeat
David describes some of the things that are happening right now. While they seem bad at the surface, keep in mind that it’s all leading to the cabal’s defeat, the disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence, the release of advanced technology that will eradicate poverty and hunger, and so much more.
“The Alliance vs. Cabal battle for disclosure is really heating up. China just had a second ‘chemical explosion’ right as the market is sliding into free-fall.
“The Dow dropped over 530 points on Friday and another 588 points on Monday’s close.
“These events are starting to produce the huge headlines many different insiders have been forecasting.
“Intelligent galactic energy may ultimately be pushing us through a mass awakening.
“This socio-economic analysis of recent events is a gateway into a much greater cosmic drama that is playing itself out at this time.” (1)
We’re All Revolutionaries
David also mentions that people are fed up with the cabal and their greed and corruption, and we’re ready to create something new. Anything we do to spread the truth helps, he tells us, so we have every reason to get active and help the masses wake up.
“Enough is enough. We have been beaten and abused for too long.
“We are tired and fed up. It is time for a change.
“No more violence, pain and fear. This is it.
“We are finally learning what is wrong.
“Many, if not most of us are now pulling together, in whatever way we can, to help solve the problem.
“The NSA disclosures were just the beginning. How does some guy peeping through your cyber-cameras help to defeat ‘Arabs with Box Cutters?’
“As I said to a supporter in the health food store the other day, if you are working to help spread the truth to others, you are part of the Alliance.
“It is that simple.” (2)
As long as our intent is genuine and we do what we can to get the truth out there, we’re just as much a part of this as David or anyone else who put their lives and their reputation on the line to share this kind of information.
Wilcock, Corey Goode, and a host of other truth-seekers (and truth-sharers) are risking more than we know to share this knowledge and help people wake up, and we’re encouraged to play our part, however small, in this collective awakening.
David Wilcock
I won’t share the rest of the information David offered in his latest ‘mega-article’, but I’ll encourage you to head here and read about the cabal’s last-ditch efforts to cause widespread panic and chaos, which includes the use of weather warfare weaponry against the countries of other ‘elite’ factions who oppose them (we’ll talk more about that later).
Throwing Tantrums
David frequently mentions that they’re more desperate than ever, and as he said, they can be compared to children who throw tantrums when they don’t get their way.
They’re fighting to establish a New World Order – genocide of most of the population and enslavement of the survivors – and these ‘children’ are pretty dangerous (especially when they throw a tantrum) because they have all kinds of weapons, hired killers, black magic, etc. at their disposal.
It doesn’t change the fact that they’re sacrificing their dignity and making themselves look ridiculous, and by this point, I’m sure they don’t even realize how far they’re taking it.
All they care about is their agenda, which is doomed to fail, and they don’t care what they have to do to achieve it.
No matter how many tantrums they throw, they’ll never achieve their New World Order and they can only do what our collective negativity, greed and hatred allows them to.
This is why they work so hard to instil panic and terror in the masses; we strengthen them and their astral and extraterrestrial ‘masters’ when we give in to manufactured chaos.
Our collective negativity hasn’t reached the level that’s needed for them to successfully create a New World Order, and they’re being thwarted at every turn because humanity is stepping into a new way of life that’s based on love, compassion and respect for our fellow man.
Weather Warfare
Like I mentioned earlier, the cabal has been using weather warfare against factions who are aligned against them, and according to David, the vast majority of recent ‘natural disasters’ (if not all of them) were actually caused by advanced weather warfare technology.
In my opinion, chemtrails, fracking and GMOs (among other things) are merely intended to compliment or enhance this weather warfare.
What better way to destroy the environment with advanced, hidden technology than to enhance it with more destruction that’s caused by technology the public already knows about?
A lot of people are still somehow unaware of chemtrails, but fracking and GMOs have become common knowledge in the last decade.
Their attempts at weather warfare, some of which have been successful in the past (again, because of our collective negativity, which allowed them to succeed) have caused some of the greatest ‘natural disasters’ in our recent history, and David went as far as to say that the California drought is engineered for the purpose of destroying the food supply as the cabal meets their inevitable end.
They want to take as many people down with them as they can, but fortunately, they won’t be allowed.
Our love and awareness aides their downfall and assures they won’t cause any more disasters, and the more knowledge we share, the less they can achieve.
Luciferian Propaganda in the Media
If you haven’t noticed, we’ve been inundated with movies and TV shows that push the cabal’s Luciferian agenda.
One of the most notable movies is ‘The Purge’, which takes place in a world where once a year, for one night, crime is legal and citizens are encouraged to ‘purge’ (kill) each other.
The movie pushes the depopulation agenda by presenting it as entertainment, and moviegoers have no idea what they’re actually watching.
‘The Purge’ is just one of many recent movies that glorifies the idea that the common man is scum and should be wiped away from the earth, and most people don’t know that they’re witnessing the glorification of Luciferian ideology.
Any episode of ‘Game of Thrones’ makes it clear to those with eyes to see that they’re pushing death, destruction, lust, and an array of other things that lower our consciousness and feed their agenda to mentally and spiritually enslave us.
It Has to Get Worse So People Can Wake Up
Along with other truth-seekers, David has reiterated that things will have to get worse before they can get better, and we might have to expect some negative or destructive events as the cabal is finally dethroned and control of the world is placed back in the hands of the people, where it belongs.
These events will wake people up to the fact that something has been going on that they’ve been unaware of, and we’ll no longer be able to deny the truth when they start happening.
We’ll become aware of all kinds of things we never expected to be true, and needless to say, we’ll see the ‘conspiracy theorists’ of the world in a new light.
It’ll take a lot to awaken humanity from our slumber, which is why things might get rough for a minute before we can witness positive change.
If we make it through the hard times, then we’ll be ready to create new world with the assistance of an array of advanced technology; much of which can help clean up the environment.
We’ll learn to work together, and we’ll understand that the cabal has caused and profited from our division.
We’ll have to come together when the responsibility to create a new world rests with us, and while there’ll be some hiccups along the way, we’ll work it out if we’re truly dedicated to the cause.
Love, Compassion, and Trust
As I’m fond of saying, love and compassion will lead us through any hard times we have to face.
When the craziest revelations surface and people realize they’ve been lied to and kept from a utopian way of life for nearly a century, they’ll be pretty upset and some of them will need another person to talk to; to pour all of their anger, fear, and insecurity into.
Those of us who are ‘aware’ can lead the way while lending an ear for those who need us, and we can be there for each other while subsequently creating a new world based on the things we’ll have learned and the technology we’ll have received.
Even with advanced technology, any attempts to create a new world are doomed to fail if we don’t have love. With love, we can do anything we set our minds to – we just have to learn how to bring the mind under the control (or influence) of the heart.
Nothing will stop us when we love and trust each other wholeheartedly, and the cabal’s evilest actions won’t keep us from eventually forgiving them and showing them the same love we show each other.
We’ll have to learn forgiveness when they’re exposed, and first, we have to learn to love each other.
It might be a rocky road in the beginning, but if we’re truly determined, the difficulties and stresses won’t matter as much as our vision for worldwide change.
from: http://humansarefree.com/
Approaching a New Earth — The Fall of the Cabal
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by Wes Annac
I’ve followed David’s work for years, and he’s been a major force in my awakening and my interest in spirituality, extraterrestrials and the fall of the Luciferian cabal.
In his latest article, he continued to offer tons of information from various news sources to make the point that the cabal is falling and trying to take the world down with them.
An assortment of unsettling things are happening that ultimately point to the cabal’s defeat and the establishment of a new way of life that takes every person’s needs into account, and we’ll want to prepare for the amazing things we’ll learn and the revolutionary things we’ll have to do to change the world.
Signs of the Cabal’s Defeat
David describes some of the things that are happening right now. While they seem bad at the surface, keep in mind that it’s all leading to the cabal’s defeat, the disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence, the release of advanced technology that will eradicate poverty and hunger, and so much more.
“The Alliance vs. Cabal battle for disclosure is really heating up. China just had a second ‘chemical explosion’ right as the market is sliding into free-fall.
“The Dow dropped over 530 points on Friday and another 588 points on Monday’s close.
“These events are starting to produce the huge headlines many different insiders have been forecasting.
“Intelligent galactic energy may ultimately be pushing us through a mass awakening.
“This socio-economic analysis of recent events is a gateway into a much greater cosmic drama that is playing itself out at this time.” (1)
We’re All Revolutionaries
David also mentions that people are fed up with the cabal and their greed and corruption, and we’re ready to create something new. Anything we do to spread the truth helps, he tells us, so we have every reason to get active and help the masses wake up.
“Enough is enough. We have been beaten and abused for too long.
“We are tired and fed up. It is time for a change.
“No more violence, pain and fear. This is it.
“We are finally learning what is wrong.
“Many, if not most of us are now pulling together, in whatever way we can, to help solve the problem.
“The NSA disclosures were just the beginning. How does some guy peeping through your cyber-cameras help to defeat ‘Arabs with Box Cutters?’
“As I said to a supporter in the health food store the other day, if you are working to help spread the truth to others, you are part of the Alliance.
“It is that simple.” (2)
As long as our intent is genuine and we do what we can to get the truth out there, we’re just as much a part of this as David or anyone else who put their lives and their reputation on the line to share this kind of information.
Wilcock, Corey Goode, and a host of other truth-seekers (and truth-sharers) are risking more than we know to share this knowledge and help people wake up, and we’re encouraged to play our part, however small, in this collective awakening.
David Wilcock
I won’t share the rest of the information David offered in his latest ‘mega-article’, but I’ll encourage you to head here and read about the cabal’s last-ditch efforts to cause widespread panic and chaos, which includes the use of weather warfare weaponry against the countries of other ‘elite’ factions who oppose them (we’ll talk more about that later).
Throwing Tantrums
David frequently mentions that they’re more desperate than ever, and as he said, they can be compared to children who throw tantrums when they don’t get their way.
They’re fighting to establish a New World Order – genocide of most of the population and enslavement of the survivors – and these ‘children’ are pretty dangerous (especially when they throw a tantrum) because they have all kinds of weapons, hired killers, black magic, etc. at their disposal.
It doesn’t change the fact that they’re sacrificing their dignity and making themselves look ridiculous, and by this point, I’m sure they don’t even realize how far they’re taking it.
All they care about is their agenda, which is doomed to fail, and they don’t care what they have to do to achieve it.
No matter how many tantrums they throw, they’ll never achieve their New World Order and they can only do what our collective negativity, greed and hatred allows them to.
This is why they work so hard to instil panic and terror in the masses; we strengthen them and their astral and extraterrestrial ‘masters’ when we give in to manufactured chaos.
Our collective negativity hasn’t reached the level that’s needed for them to successfully create a New World Order, and they’re being thwarted at every turn because humanity is stepping into a new way of life that’s based on love, compassion and respect for our fellow man.
Weather Warfare
Like I mentioned earlier, the cabal has been using weather warfare against factions who are aligned against them, and according to David, the vast majority of recent ‘natural disasters’ (if not all of them) were actually caused by advanced weather warfare technology.
In my opinion, chemtrails, fracking and GMOs (among other things) are merely intended to compliment or enhance this weather warfare.
What better way to destroy the environment with advanced, hidden technology than to enhance it with more destruction that’s caused by technology the public already knows about?
A lot of people are still somehow unaware of chemtrails, but fracking and GMOs have become common knowledge in the last decade.
Their attempts at weather warfare, some of which have been successful in the past (again, because of our collective negativity, which allowed them to succeed) have caused some of the greatest ‘natural disasters’ in our recent history, and David went as far as to say that the California drought is engineered for the purpose of destroying the food supply as the cabal meets their inevitable end.
They want to take as many people down with them as they can, but fortunately, they won’t be allowed.
Our love and awareness aides their downfall and assures they won’t cause any more disasters, and the more knowledge we share, the less they can achieve.
Luciferian Propaganda in the Media
If you haven’t noticed, we’ve been inundated with movies and TV shows that push the cabal’s Luciferian agenda.
One of the most notable movies is ‘The Purge’, which takes place in a world where once a year, for one night, crime is legal and citizens are encouraged to ‘purge’ (kill) each other.
The movie pushes the depopulation agenda by presenting it as entertainment, and moviegoers have no idea what they’re actually watching.
‘The Purge’ is just one of many recent movies that glorifies the idea that the common man is scum and should be wiped away from the earth, and most people don’t know that they’re witnessing the glorification of Luciferian ideology.
Any episode of ‘Game of Thrones’ makes it clear to those with eyes to see that they’re pushing death, destruction, lust, and an array of other things that lower our consciousness and feed their agenda to mentally and spiritually enslave us.
It Has to Get Worse So People Can Wake Up
Along with other truth-seekers, David has reiterated that things will have to get worse before they can get better, and we might have to expect some negative or destructive events as the cabal is finally dethroned and control of the world is placed back in the hands of the people, where it belongs.
These events will wake people up to the fact that something has been going on that they’ve been unaware of, and we’ll no longer be able to deny the truth when they start happening.
We’ll become aware of all kinds of things we never expected to be true, and needless to say, we’ll see the ‘conspiracy theorists’ of the world in a new light.
It’ll take a lot to awaken humanity from our slumber, which is why things might get rough for a minute before we can witness positive change.
If we make it through the hard times, then we’ll be ready to create new world with the assistance of an array of advanced technology; much of which can help clean up the environment.
We’ll learn to work together, and we’ll understand that the cabal has caused and profited from our division.
We’ll have to come together when the responsibility to create a new world rests with us, and while there’ll be some hiccups along the way, we’ll work it out if we’re truly dedicated to the cause.
Love, Compassion, and Trust
As I’m fond of saying, love and compassion will lead us through any hard times we have to face.
When the craziest revelations surface and people realize they’ve been lied to and kept from a utopian way of life for nearly a century, they’ll be pretty upset and some of them will need another person to talk to; to pour all of their anger, fear, and insecurity into.
Those of us who are ‘aware’ can lead the way while lending an ear for those who need us, and we can be there for each other while subsequently creating a new world based on the things we’ll have learned and the technology we’ll have received.
Even with advanced technology, any attempts to create a new world are doomed to fail if we don’t have love. With love, we can do anything we set our minds to – we just have to learn how to bring the mind under the control (or influence) of the heart.
Nothing will stop us when we love and trust each other wholeheartedly, and the cabal’s evilest actions won’t keep us from eventually forgiving them and showing them the same love we show each other.
We’ll have to learn forgiveness when they’re exposed, and first, we have to learn to love each other.
It might be a rocky road in the beginning, but if we’re truly determined, the difficulties and stresses won’t matter as much as our vision for worldwide change.
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Cobra Ascension Conference Notes: Glarus, Switzerland Part 4
Disclaimer: The following conference notes are an interpretation of the person who wrote these notes. Many details are omitted and some original meaning is lost. They are NOT exact words from Cobra and Isis.
Notes taken by Antares during the conference, translation Pippa, edited by Nova Biscotti and Cobra
Original Post (in German) | Link to Part 1 (English) | Link to Part 2 (English) | Link to Part 3 (English)
Cobra Ascension Conference Notes: Glarus, Switzerland Part 4
Cobra on Sunday, April 17th
We are now entering a critical moment, the moment of the final decision. The most important decisions for the fate of humanity are being taken at a greatly accelerated pace, particularly since mid-March. Cobra says he does not know how long this final period of decision will last, both with regard to our personal lives as well as on the political level and the overall situation of the solar system. It all becomes visible everywhere. In other words, our personal lives mirror the global situation. Everything that now happens in our personal lives determines what develops in the greater time frame and reflects the global situation. Nothing “just happens”. Everything reflects massively upon all and everything. Even the smallest victory on the planet brings with it a strong resonance in the galaxy, even though from the viewpoint of the GCS (Galactic Central Sun) we are only a small point of blocked energy. Whatever happens here now has an enormous influence upon the major part of the galactic races and affects the fate of all beings. The Ascended Beings cannot move forward until the situation upon Earth has been resolved. Buddha vowed to remain here until the earth has been set free.
The situation on Earth has blocked the entire evolution, which is why we are receiving the attention of so many races.
Motherships of thousands of races are present within the Oort Cloud, all focusing their attention upon this small planet. This is a huge moment of cosmic development, not something local.
As of March the decisions are being made.
Therefore it is most important to use our I AM Presence in order to apply our Free Will for this fateful decision. The evil controlling forces will do absolutely everything to block our Free Will. We must learn to stand above that. Any situation can only be maintained for just so long and then it must end. This now applies to the quarantine. Thus, the truth can only be repressed for a certain amount of time.
Currently the controlling Forces must exert unimaginable amounts of energy in order to manipulate the truth. They spend billions of dollars to repress any and all information regarding extraterrestrial life. All this is energy being used against the very creation, and this in itself limits the timeframe of these actions.
Even traditional space travel will lead to extraterrestrial contact and in this manner the Dark Forces will lose their control over the quarantine one way or the other. The progress of contact cannot be stopped anymore, no matter how much the Dark Forces attempt to delay Disclosure for their purposes. Hillary Clinton has just announced disclosures regarding Area 51.
But they are planning once more to distort the disclosures. The Cabal would like to blame the responsibility for the current situation on the Dracos, taking on the role of “victim”. For this purpose the Cabal has devised various plans, which however – according to Cobra – will not be successful. Every truth that is revealed will lead to the next one.
Since the Cabal attempted to use the “Panama Papers” to accuse Putin, Putin is now publishing something truthful about the Rothschilds. Without this triggering he would not have done so. By distorting the disclosures they are actually helping us all. Certain people will continue to publish important information when the time is ripe. There are various reasons why this is taking so long. The Cabal are dangerous psychopaths.
Disclosure will also show how ships are landing.
- What will happen to humans who are now living off-planet? Will they also be allowed to ascend? – Up to now they have been living in deep isolation. They have been brain-washed very specifically. The Light forces could not reach them. The Chimera hide the SSPs from the RM, the Light Forces and the Pleiadians. Just now the situation is improving very slowly and some certain topics can be disclosed. There also the disclosures are being heavily distorted. Those people in the SSPs have truly been given completely different information than we here. They have been told the Earth has been destroyed by nuclear war and that they are the only survivors. This is their reality. They live in underground bases and in mines. They know and believe only this information. RM could not so far reach them and thus it is a mixed situation.
- If thousands of positive races are here in the solar system and are focusing on our planet….. why have they come? Because of the octopus? – They all had different reasons. Some came to direct healing energies, others in order to dissolve the octopus. The people know nothing about their work and the concrete support they are providing. Some are attempting to build us up through telepathic communication. Unfortunately there are only few receivers for this. Most people are not trained for this kind of communication. True telepathic contact can only be achieved after years of training, not simply after a weekend seminar. There are particular protocols that must be observed. This is truly a great problem. (Cobra encourages us to attend trainings for true telepathic communication.)
- Who are the Chimera? – They come from the Galaxy of Andromeda, where there are numerous races. They are not the ones usually referred to as Andromedans. The Chimera are humanoid. Their energy field is quite distorted. You might call them the most Fallen Archangels within the anomaly. They entered into close contact with the Nazis in the 1930´s. They are now the main problem in the Solar System. All this must be cleared up BEFORE THE EVENT, otherwise we would have to expect an invasion during the Event and this would not make much sense. It simply MUST be cleared up PRIOR to the Event. After the Event our view of the sky shall be clear in every sense of the word. Yes, the Chimera are physical beings.
- Energetically, what will happen during the Event? – Duality will begin to dissolve. Duality with its polarity positive and negative in the sense of good and bad is an artificial creation of the Archons. In nature it does not exist in this form. There, positive and negative have a neutral meaning. Polarity is not good or bad. This interaction as it rules here as duality is just a creation. You may understand it then as the dissolution of the “evil” pole of polarity. Its source is now located within the realm of plasma. When the plasma is healed all else will heal.
- Must we expect an invasion here in Europe? – No. The situation there will not be expanded. An infiltration of the true refugees did take place. The invaders are being observed by the Light Forces. 99.9% of their actions are being blocked and cannot take place anymore. There is no cause for worry. The Dark Forces are doing their best within their power to create panic. They want people to be worried and to let them be pulled into religious conflicts. They shall not succeed.
- After the Event, what will happen to the religions? – There will be a great exhaling. (Cobra pauses and there is laughter in the hall.) People begin to understand the depth of the control and manipulation. Today´s Christianity was created in 325 at the Council of Nicaea under Constantine the Great by his Archbishop Eusebius of Caesarea, and all of Jesus´ teachings were distorted and falsified. The love and forgiveness in His message bear no relation to crusades and the burning of witches by the Catholic Church. It is an entirely different message. And the same thing has occurred within all of the religions. They begin with a Being with a deep message, which becomes distorted as soon as this Being is no longer present. Later on, a cult was then made of it and centuries later followed propaganda and the great programming machinery. Within the Vatican there is a “Propaganda Museum” where visitors are sorted out by brain types to be shown different things. All this must be changed immediately after the Event. The Seeds of Truth shall grow like flowers and it shall become clear that the same Divine Truth underlies all.
The Star Families have simulation chambers in which they can virtually experience our duality based reality. But for psychological reasons this is not really real. After 10 minutes they can, after all, return to their nice lives. Thus, they don´t really understand anything at all about us. How can one understand life with money if you never had any and had to depend upon it? How can one experience illness when in your own society there is no such thing?
The process of Contact will have to create an alignment. Oftentimes this is spoken of from only our side of the coin. For the extraterrestrials alignment will be much more difficult. They are downright frightened of us, because they can see what we do and who we are. Trust will begin through a build up on the energetic level. When we can take up an energetic connection with them, then they will begin to be able to sense our life situation. And we will feel them as well.
Dr. Steven Greer has developed concrete protocols, procedures for the preparation for First Contact. These so-called CE5 Protocols can be found on the internet:
Phase three is referred to as “Vectoring”. This means that we can control a ship with our thoughts. Initially we can learn to localize the energy of a ship. Ships are pure consciousness and thus they answer to consciousness. If our mind is very clear we can then direct a spaceship. The ship is then 100% protected by our mind/spirit and will come to us. (Image)
Understandably this will not work for most people. One Pleiadian project is the establishment of contact zones on private properties. The owner must permit the landing of the ship within the context of the Galactic Codex. Local laws regarding air space differ from country to country. In some cases the air space belongs to the owner of the land up to a certain height. Ships can be teleported to the private property. This option is already being implemented on the planet where landowners have given their consent.
According to Cobra, interesting regions will be taking part in this project. However, Cobra does not name them. After the Event, owners will be contacted. According to prior planning (RM 2012) it would have taken months to accomplish, but according to the new plan it will go forward with great speed. The owners will have spiritual experiences during the Event and, depending upon how open they are for this, landing will occur within two weeks. The people will then approach the media and it will be shown on television everywhere. A Core group will be Ambassadors of First Contact to the UN.
The UN will then not be what it is now. At this time it is quite infiltrated. However, even now there are many people within the UN who have been working for decades toward a positive First Contact. Some of them know about the SSPs, especially about the international SSP where there are people from countries like Italy, Switzerland, French Polynesia, the Caribbean and who have had contact with Pleiadians and other races. They are already working toward First Contact.
Later on, after a critical mass of acceptance has been reached within the population it will be openly discussed in the public media. A date will be fixed for when the Ambassadors of Earth peoples can expect the landing, which will then be shown openly and live in the media. A Pleiadian ship will land before the UN building. Official First contact represents the political acceptance of earth once again as a Star Nation.
The Pleiadians and Earth people recognize each other as sovereign Star Races. A document will be signed, diplomatic negotiations will take place and humans will be offered diverse kinds of assistance, both technical and with regards to spiritual evolution. This is a true democratic process, an exchange in which all will participate and from which all countries will profit. Humanity as a unit will determine the global process.
The process will naturally be much faster for the individually chosen ones, since they will be stepping up to the media with the experiences they already had. The Pleiadians will be the first race because they look most like us. There are no physical or psychological differences. They will be followed by the Sirians, then by other humanoid races, and the non-humanoids will only arrive later, as their appearance would be too shocking for much of the population. Both sides will only be ready for it at a later time. Humanity must learn the entire process within Free Will. Free will applied with sovereignty, is the condition for acceptance as a part of the Galactic Confederation. A people of slaves are not sovereign and thus cannot be accepted. Therefore humanity must first be freed.
- Will the people of Inner earth be included in First Contact? – They will certainly be invited, but probably they will take it in their own way. Most of the peoples of Agartha have been separated from the surface population for a very long time. On the basis of many events of history much mistrust has developed. This must be healed, physically as well. Until now few channels within humanity were open to Inner earth. The Agarthans do plan to send their Ambassadors to the surface after the Event. They will probably begin by contacted selected very conscious persons privately, not the media. They will wait. The process of contact will take more time than with the Pleiadians.
- Where are the properties for First Contact located? – This is classified information.
- Are the Arcturians involved? – Yes, very much so. One of their projects is to encourage Light-networks, another one to expand belief systems.
The Event-Flash that will bring about the COmpression BReAk-through is a strong spiritual, hyper dimensional wave. The tachyons gain (reach) the surface. The existing network of tachyon chambers stabilizes the energies during the Event. The Cintamani Stones also play an important part in this stabilization. This is the reason they have been widely distributed, both among the people and in many locations.
After the moment of compression-break-through transformation begins. Everything we experience now is preparation. Within some groups this whole process about ascension has been going on for 20-40 years. However, all this is a kindergarten game compared to what awaits us after the Event. We will be transformed into our light bodies at an accelerated pace. A deep physical and spiritual transformation will take place. In the later phases we will, as an accepted Star Nation, receive support with advanced technologies.
All levels will be drastically transformed, so unbelievably much faster than now, that we can hardly imagine it. Within a very short time tremendous quantum leaps will take place. Our consciousness shall be lifted up immensely. We have spent many years attempting to heal patterns from our childhood or illnesses using alternative medicine, therapies, rebirthing, Reiki – and the patterns are still there.
After the Event they will suddenly, in the blink of an eye, be vanished. For this to happen the Network of Light must first be completed. There must not be any more danger of any kind of negative interference. There will be a morphogenetic field of positive consciousness. The spiritual energy will then once again be easy for us to understand. After First Contact the Ascended Masters/Beings will begin to materialize their light bodies. In the last 25.000 years there where only very few true encounters with such materialized masters, however, after the Event those encounters will increase more and more!
Then our journey home, the ascension, will truly begin.
The Galactic Central Sun is a star gate. It is the Central Sun of our Galaxy, the Source of all being, connected to our suns by plasma wormholes.
Plasma interacts with consciousness. One very deep occult secret that has not been released until now, is, that there are higher octaves of the plasma levels and this is the way the galaxies communicate with each other.
As Cobra has already mentioned in some of his posts, preparations are just now being made to send a small satellite into Earth orbit, which will surveil all movements around itself (ships), and Cobra says, he is hoping for good pictures. This is another step towards preparing the masses for First Contact. NASA will no longer be able to repress these pictures, the way they are now interrupting and cutting life transmissions.
This could look like this……
(Cobra is showing Pictures from Fox News, reporting on visits by extraterrestrials.) According to Cobra, the BRICS nations have their own plan for this.
Up to now many groups have failed to succeed in creating and living in conscious communities. The main reason for this is the human conflicts which are being initiated and fed by the Archons. These manipulations will cease after the Event, and therefore much information will then become available as to how Intentional Communities of Divine Light can be built. At this time it is much too soon. Almost nobody would be prepared for those communities. Cobra has asked the Pleiadians to share corresponding information with us regarding this after the Event.
After the Event many caves and places will be opened again which serve the anchoring of the Goddess energy on the planet, only a few of them are secretly accessible even now. Some caves are near the surface population, others are connected to the realm of the Agarthans.
This technique is based upon our own light body, which is a portal that allows us to travel. Within the heart chakra, in the fifth dimension, resides a Star gate, which can be activated, and which rotates as a torus at the velocity of light. This is the way and the means of ascension. It is a journey through inter dimensional wormholes without the use of a spaceship. Our light body is our spaceship.
This a conversion-inversion vortex. The two structures rotate against each other. Ordinary spaceship drives are also based upon this function. The picture also shows the Star gate here in the center, which in our body the heart is located. As soon as it moves at light speed the physical reality disappears.
After First Contact little by little there will be central points in all areas from which journeys through portals will be made possible. A trip from Switzerland to Rio de Janeiro will then take 40 seconds.
Within the Resistance Movement the word replicator is used to denote a chamber. In the SSPs a printer is called a replicator. Others call a teleportation chamber a replicator. Thus, a language problem exists which can lead to misunderstandings. The surface population usually understands a replicator to be a device that materializes items out of the ether. The software can design everything and hardware creates out of the ethereal. Cobra says in earlier times there where devices of this type which created the products by assembling items from reservoirs containing molecules of carbon, oxygen etc… .
Many of the SSP factions use replicators – printers to create their food which however does not taste so good. Your organic food from your own organic garden is much better. The replicators serve mass production.
In the medical context replicators serve in this way: A scanner recognizes unhealthy atoms, pulse them out of the body and replaces them by healthy ones. This takes 15 minutes as shown in the film Elysium.
Free energies are a basic fact in the entire universe. Every one of us has a piece of this at home: a magnet, which continually creates a field that surrounds it. Clever heads have thought about how this could be used, did indeed find some ways, but this was repressed.
Cobra relates how he was at a conference for free energy, someone brought a device along with him and he was offered 500 million Dollars for this device (probably from the cabal). Thus the device did not become available to all the people. Another man had a sudden accident on the way to the conference. Nothing happened to him but his device was completely destroyed.
Before the Event numerous things happen in this way.
There will be great advances in music. Cobra speaks of hyper dimensional sound.
The new reality is just around the corner, already here.
At this point, one of the participants in the conference introduced a light mandala device. This is a technology that is now functional since about four years. Already networks of scientists and doctors occupy themselves with the improvement of the device. Some parts of this knowledge are repressed. At this point, he tries to keep the description brief for it could actually take up an entire weekend workshop.
The device has two components. One of them is a laser with white starlight. The coherent laser gives off a spectrum which repeats certain geometric patterns, similar to a Merkabah, the flower of life. There already exists a huge library of these patterns by means of which the patterns which best fit the situation or person are chosen by the device. For example there are libraries for emotions, mental patterns and geological places. Similar to prana healing the pattern is then programmed into the device and amplified. A certain crystal creates out of two dimensions a multidimensional light field, which then brings all bodies or cells into resonance. To read more please go to http://www.light-mandalas.com, additionally you can read the article about wave genetics: http://sitsshow.blogspot.de/2015/07/wave-genetics-increase-energy-and.html
During the last two days patterns in this room where recorded and amplified with harmony and protection (which could be felt very clearly). The device can receive the coherence with the mandala scanner. In this way, if you will, sympathicus and parasympathicus are joined, heart and mind aligned.
Cobra shows an image of the New Earth which he calls a very realistic portrayal. One can see a portal, space ships, domes for living. There is harmony between nature and technology.
After First Contact, when Earth has been accepted into the Galactic Confederation as a sovereign member the mass landings will take place. Those physical landings are a key element within the process of our integration into the galactic community. It is a galactic reunification. Finally we shall meet again close soul friends and be together with them again.
- Is the Event Meditation still current? – Yes, certainly. It takes place globally every Sunday here with us at 9 pm CEST (7pm UTC). The Europe Meditation can also continue to be done on a daily basis.
- How about Keshe technology, it seems to be something like sabotage going on? – It is quite unlikely that there should be a breakthrough with regard to free energy before the Event.
- How does Germany come out of its occupied status? – There must be more consciousness about that in the media, for instance by way of blogs.
- What possibilities exist for the removal of chips? – Chips where used massively between WWII and the year 2000. The RM has however removed them many years ago. At that time there where showers containing a technology for removal. That was ten years ago. Now it is no longer necessary.
- What about the pole reversal? – The question cannot currently be answered.
- What about the gate of Baal from Palmyra: Several of them are supposed to be built worldwide, could you share what you think about it? – It is true that certain archaeological buildings are supposed to be reconstructed. The proposal to choose the temple of Baal originated with the archaeologists. The Archons wanted to abuse this and to distort it into negative occult dimensions. There where great discussions about it in the alternative media. For this reason it is now not supposed to be actualized in this way. Instead, it may be that several other smaller buildings will be constructed which afford less room for speculation.
Unfortunately it is not possible to show all the images seen in the conference, because they are not available to us. Thus some images are only similar to those. They are illustrative.
Source: Event Reference
- Cobra Ascension Conference Notes: Glarus, Switzerland Part 1
- Cobra Ascension Conference Notes: Glarus, Switzerland Part 2
- Cobra Ascension Conference Notes: Glarus, Switzerland Part 3
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