Sunday, May 29, 2016

The Conspiracy of the Ten Commandments: Damned if you do, Dead if your don't

Remember that Moses had two versions of the commandments. Enlil/Jehovah added four fake laws (worship only me) to the original six laws of the Universal Moral Code (do no harm) to trick Humanity into soul damnation. 

The six laws of Jehovah that run somewhat consistent to the six given by Jesus, is the Law of Liberty. The Law of Liberty is the true and only law which rules Earth and the Multiverse, i.e. one does not harm another, be it killing, steal

ing, lying to defraud, rape, harming either physically or spiritually, or thinking harmful thoughts towards another. These six laws, having been given, are the laws of judgment to determine if one is a criminal. A criminal is one hat harms another! period! This is the TRUE LAW.

Which is why Jesus taught the message of Love. For is we truly loved one another, there would be no such thing as hate, rage, vengeance, theft, rape, turning another out into the cold, death, let alone turning another into a soul criminal. The Love taught by Jesus, is to love everyone and everything. A condition of the heart, wherein one is filled with mothing but care and concern for ALL THAT IS and Was Created.

If we Love the Father with all our Hearts, and all our Minds, and all our Souls, then we attain to this condition of Love for All That Is

Once we learn to read the Bible INDEPENDENTLY of "inferred church doctrines" then take a look at history, a look at archeaology, discover the meaning in Jesus' parables, look at the current conspiracies unfolding before our eyes and put it all together - LO! As scary as it is, it is indisputable. The God that rules EArth now as we all know is Satan trying to take the souls of Humanity to hell with him, for eternal servitude and slavery. And when we look at what the church has done to peoples' souls, we can see it is true. 

Take this easy quiz to see if any lights come on: 

Simple Logic God Quiz 
Question:                                                                              Answer: 
#1) Who currently rules this world?                                Satan 
#2) Would he have power here?                                        Yes 
#3) Ok, now, who is the God we fear and serve?            Jehovah 
#4) What is the richest corporations in the world?        Churches 

Do you see how simple it is? Start putting facts with that, and all you get is support of the fact that the one god worshipped on EArth, is also, Satan that wishes to take everyone to hell to serve him and his legion. 

The way he does it, is to make people think they are doing the right thing, while in reality, they become soul criminals by harming others. Then clearing their conscience by confessing their sins (knowing Jesus will forgive them, and that he died to purify them) - yet, continue harming others. Bringing someone to church, is a soul crime if their soul goes to hell because of it. Willingly tithing the enemy of Jesus so he can afford to condemn more souls, is a soul crime. Dedicating one's life to Jesus and not actually DEDICATING the entire life to Jesus, is a broken oath. 

It is explained these gods were false gods, or devils. Devils are something to fear, are they not? For they seek to destroy us, both now and forever for they cause us to damn our souls. 

Jesus said in: Matthew 18:28 "And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell." 

Who could do that? Who could cause us to be destroyed, both body and soul in hell? There is only one "him" that could cause our souls to become criminals. Like someone that commands people to kill others, steal their lands, their possessions, rape and kill their women and children, and bring the silver and gold back home to Papa! Either serve him and condemn your soul, destroy your conscience - or you, yours and your generations will suffer and or die

Every time a person harms another, they have committed a crime of the soul. Jehovah commanded his Israelites to either serve him or die. To either become armies or for the entire congregation to stone people to death. To live on stolen lands soaked in the blood of its former inhabitants. And women were forced to either 'put out or ship out'. . . 

Jehovah's Commandments 

Reviewing the first four fake commandments, which are succinctly: 

1) That shalt have no other gods before me. 
2) Thou shalt not make any graven images of them, no matter where they are. 
3) Thou shalt not curse my name. 
4) Thou shalt observe the sabbath to worship me. 

Breaking any of these laws, harms no one. For one does not have to serve an exile, a criminal, be he the King of EArth or the King of the Damned ruling EArth. The only problem has been; however, since he's ruling, he killed anyone that did not obey these commandments, until today, everyone is so firmly convinced these church doctrines are truth, that anyone speaking differently is ignored by society. To speak of the Father of Jesus as not being Jehovah, is like talking to brick walls, for the fear of eternal damnation keeps peoples' minds shut to the evidence. 

Note, these commandments "etched in stone" plainly state, that there are other gods, and Jehovah will kill anyone that worships or remembers them. 

1) To say "Thou shalt have no other gods before me" is conclusive proof right there, that there are other gods of an equal status with himself, or whom he would be jealous. Why would he be jealous of wood and stone idols? or false gods? or devils? (if there were no other gods?). 

The fact that the Ancient Scriptures also stated his jealousy and rage, clearly indicates this person has NO rage-control, or jealousy-control.

2) Thou shalt not make graven images of them, no matter where they are. The second commandment identifies their locations. Some on Nibiru, some on Mars, some in the interior of the planet. (See Admiral Byrd's Private Diary). 

3) Curseth me not. And why would the Loving Father of Jesus need a commandment to not curse him? No one ever curse the Father of Creation, Humanity, Adam and Jesus. Except his jealous brother, Enlil aka Jehovah, aka Zeus. 

Yet everyone cursed Zeus aka Enlil aka Juptier aka Jehovah, Beelzebub all of the time, because he always rained down plagues or death onto the people. Look at the bombing of Sodom and Gomorrah which resulted in a "Wind of Death" that wiped out all living things within 24 hours throughout Mesopotamia. Look at the Dead Sea, look at Egypt, look at all the wildernesses of the world, and know. You can thank Jehovah and his two angels of destruction for it. You can even curse him if you want. 

4) Worshipping him once a week served to provide more goodies and tites for the Levites' pockets and bellies. It also gives them authority of the people to keep them brainwashed on a weekly basis and keeps their god in remembrance. 

Numbers 15: 32, 35, 36 And while the children of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man that gathered sticks upon the sabbath day. And the Lord said unto Moses, The man shall be surely put to death: all the congregation shall stone him with stones without the camp and all the congregation brought him without the camp and stone him with stones and he died: as the Lord commanded Moses. 

Leviticus 24:11 And the Israelitish woman's son blasphemed the name of the Lord and cured...(16,17) And he that blasphemeth the name of the Lord, he shall be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him: as well the stranger, as he that is born in the land, when he blasphemeth the name of the Lord, shall be put to death. And he that killeth any man shall surely be put to death. 

Right there it is! Everyone must kill, and everyone that does - is damned! If we are told not to kill, and Jehovah makes all his people kill others by stoning for collecting wood on sabbath or for blaspheming the name of the Lord, did he not just condemn the entire congregation by making them killers of innocent people? Yes, yes he did! 

This then, is the Conspiracy of the Ten Commandments. For in giving the Israelites the Law of Liberty of never harming another, the same Six Laws as Jesus gave; and then making up four new fake laws that served only him, and then commanded them to break the last six in order to obey the first four in order to live a while longer; which damned their souls. 

By making the entire congregation stone "sinners" ("Sinners" are those that serve Father Sin, Nannar, the Moon God, the Friend of Enki, and son-in-law) by making each person pick up a stone to kill another, he damned the entire congregations' souls! And that's why he liked the idea of congregational stoning, which makes everyone guilty of breaking the law of killing. 

Anyone caught breaking the first four commandments, were stoned to death by the entire congregation. And that's how an unpopular criminal beast like Jehovah, can turn all the peoples of the EArth to serving him when they originally knew better. To wipe the memory clean of all those on EArth by the End of Days, by killing everyone that did not obey these first four commandments because they served other gods. And by condemning the souls of those that did obey. That way, everyone learns to serve the "one god," the Lord of the Dead. Eventually. 

The way he had to do it, was to destroy Conscience. Destroy Peoples' knowledge of Good and Evil until they couldn't tell the difference. And when that happens, People then are ready to serve the Lord of the Damned, for they don't know the difference between Good and Evil when they believe there is only one god. 

He's had 3,600 years to condemn Humanity to exile...and he's done a good job. All the "civilized" countries, serve him in their national religions, and all think the only god is Jehovah, God of EArth, (or Alla, another of him many many names). One third of the world's population are Christians who serve Jehovah and the New World Order. In Revelation one third of all life, is destroyed forever. 

All the military, all the banks and money, all the popes, priests, preachers, politicians, the media, societal pressures on down to the mind-controlled terrorist pawns, follow this God of Destruction and Darkness. They are our entire world, until we break away from their chains and bonds. They are the experts of mind control of the masses, for they've been doing it the longest. 

All that is TRUTH, is hidden from the public. All that supports the deceptions, are the nightly news, i.e.word from the Vatican, presidential statements, Education 2000 programs, societal pressures from a Christianized world. 

We have the right to choose our Paths, we have the right to choose whom to follow. If we choose willingly to follow these criminal ruling in this dominion to their next dominion, it's our own choice! They did not lie to us, they hired other people to lie to us. Therefore, no one was tricked by a god, for the truth is right out there in plain sight! Whether in the Bible, the Ancient Scriptures, the monolithic testaments to a technology beyond our own, geological and anthropological anomalies, whatever. 

We were given the Law of not harming another. If we five our allegiance, taxes and tithes to those that do harm others, we do not serve the Gods of Love returning, do we? We serve our own safety and comfort here and now in Hell's domain. 

In giving money, taxes to build weaponry, we serve the God of War. Enemy to the Gods of Love! Plain and simple. Jesus said you cannot serve to masters. 


Excerpt: "MOSAIC LAW: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the Bible, but Were Too Afraid of Eternal Damnation to Ask. A Bible Study Guide." Harrison, Rebecca S., DD (NOAH  © 2000) Pgs. 24-27 

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